Member Benefits
Get INSTANT ACCESS to Thousands of Event Details!
Exclusive membership gives you instant access to our detailed event listings. The members-only event details for craft shows, fairs, and festivals in your region will give you the information you need to choose the most profitable shows to attend.
- Name and Date of Event
- City and exact location of Event
- Event Contact information
- Event Website URL
- Description of Event
- Size of Event
- How many vendor spaces are available
- What type of vendors they are taking applications for - Craft Vendors, Art Vendors, Food Vendors, Musician Vendors, Commercial Vendors
- How much the vendor spaces cost
- Deadline for applying for space
- If the show is Juried or not
See why our site redesign and content upgrade benefits our members the most! Membership is perfect for you if you are an:
- Artist or Craftsperson
- Commercial Vendor
- Food Vendor
- Event Promoter/Producer
- Food Vendor
- Event Service Provider
| is confident you will find at least one great event. Try our exclusive membership for 60 days and if you are not satisfied with your membership, simply request a refund anytime within 60 days of your purchase and you will receive 100% of your money back, no questions asked.
Get Instant Access to Event Details NOW!