Business: | What a Great Event! |
Contact: | Linda Snyder |
Address: | P O Box 282 Auburn, ME 04212 United States |
Phone: | 207 740 2247 |
Fax: | 207 784 3950 |
Email: | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) |
Website: | Link |
Public Profile Link: |
Linda Snyder, M.S. President, ReGroup! Business Solutions a project anagement & marketing firm. … divisions … What a Great Event! Maine Real Estate Investors Group I'm also an Associate Broker, Allen & Selig Realty, One Walnut Hill Commons,North Yarmouth, Maine: “Ayuh… I’m Wicked Good!” All initial consults at no cost. On her mother's side, Linda Snyder is the 7th generation of her family to live in Maine, and the 5th on her father’s side. Originally from Oxford County, Linda is a Maine girl through & through. She grew up on a small farm with vegetable gardens, hayfields and all the assorted farm animals, and learned the value of hard work as a child. Over the years, Linda has had a great, challenging career that’s spanned earning her undergraduate degree in Psychology (with Education & Sociology minors), a Master’s degree in Administration of Adult Education Programs, and working as a trainer & educator, a mental health policy consultant for the state, housing developer & grant-writer for a non-profit, and as an executive at a large company. Linda has owned a Maine-made products gift store, an espresso café and was once a member of a farmer’s market cooperative, selling vegetables & baked goods to the public. She has also been a real estate investor/developer, at one point owning 50,000 square feet of commercial office space and over 2 dozen residential units, as well as a property management company. Linda has won several awards for business development and for three decades has been active as a community, municipal and state government volunteer. She served on the board of the Androscoggin Chamber for 6 years, and the Bridgton Chamber for two, was President of the Auburn Business Association for two years, and has served on the boards of LA Arts, the Lewiston Downtown Advisory Board, and the Mayors’ Joint Services Commission, among many others. In May of 2009 Linda was appointed by then Governor John Baldacci to the Maine Regulatory Fairness Board, and last spring joined the City of Auburn’s Citizen Advisory Board. Now married to her 7th grade sweetheart, Linda and husband John live in Auburn with their wire-haired dachshund Buddy (Mr. Budro) and knuckleheaded little thief & terrier mix Rudi Roo. Between them, John and Linda have 4 adult children, of whom they are very proud. Whether she’s acting as your organizational consultant or as your real estate agent, Linda brings a lifetime of intensive business experience, as well as enthusiasm, a detail-oriented style and a genuine interest in her clients. "Hitch your wagon to a star." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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